Most of you would probably say "YES! or at least NEARLY to tears!" and in that comment you'd most likely be talking about pushing yourself to the point of pain and agony because the move you were working yourself through was so difficult. That usually brings me to a point of having to bite the foul words from rolling off my tongue. I've been brought to tears several times during a variety of different moves but the tears were of a different variety.
An article that I found today on MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21073097/ talks about being 'moved to tears' due one of a couple of reasons. First of all, there is research that shows that exercise brings us to a release of pent-up emotions. The 2nd explanation is that people possibly become more contemplative of life during certain exercises (such as yoga, for example). In ruminating over the different times I've had a teary reaction to exercise I've come to the conclusion that, for me, it's a healthy combination of both of those instances.
During my 1st round of BeachBody's rigorous and highly popular P90X program, I found myself on the brink absolutely busting out into tears at the end of the fast-paced, full exersion "Vertical Punches" move of the KenpoX workout. It happened every single time. I'd follow trainer Tony Horton and crew in punching upward and across with alternating fists---starting slowly and methodically at first---culiminating in a frenetic punchfest that left me gulping for air...not because it was beyond my aerobic capacity but because I was moved to TEARS!
In other circumstances, I've noticed that the tears sprung from more emotional responses to exercise. This usually happens to me during yoga. In fact, it happened today (which is what moved me to share). I've finished my 1st round of P90X and am exploring my other BeachBody programs that came with my coaching kit until I start P90X round 2. Yoga Booty Ballet was my program of choice today and it is so me! I loved it! Men and woman alike can glean tons of positivity and an awsome workout from it but it sure made me feel all woman. The music, settings and colors were beautiful and exotic and the harmonizing blend of fun dancy moves, strengthening ballet moves and yoga challenged me aerobically, worked my muscles and stretched and relaxed me. I felt so at peace and balanced by the completion of the YBB dvd. Then it happened again: the feeling welled up from down deep, made my throat clench briefly until I recognized what was happening and just welcomed the tears and gave in to them. It was beautiful. For me, yoga is a special time of getting quiet with myself and with God and the whole hour and 10 minutes I had just spent in my workout felt like a treat at a faraway and beautiful spiritual and physical health spa~
Exercise won't always result in bringing you to tears. Some people never experience that. Experiencing the increased strength, flexibility and endurance I have through regular exercise and the calming peace that results from offering up the effort and then collecting the benefits has shown me, without a doubt, that it is absolutely crucial to a happy and fulfilling life. It has made me an even better person. It has made me more at peace with who I am and, in turn, better prepares me to positively impact the lives of those around me and enjoy all that this beautiful world has to offer.
It's hard to know where to start; you just have to jump in and do it. I'm not a doctor, therapist or nutritionist but I'm an Independent BeachBody Coach and can get you started on a path including an exercise and nutrition program that will change your life in an infinite number of positive ways be it with Yoga Booty Ballet, P90X or any of a number of other programs we've got. When you're ready, leave me a comment, drop me an email, find me on facebook or head directly over to my BeachBody site at www.beachbodycoach.com/LisaErin (be sure it says "Coach Lisa" once you log into the site). Time to get your groove on, folks! Tears, smiles, laughter and high fives...it's all good~~
An article that I found today on MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21073097/ talks about being 'moved to tears' due one of a couple of reasons. First of all, there is research that shows that exercise brings us to a release of pent-up emotions. The 2nd explanation is that people possibly become more contemplative of life during certain exercises (such as yoga, for example). In ruminating over the different times I've had a teary reaction to exercise I've come to the conclusion that, for me, it's a healthy combination of both of those instances.
During my 1st round of BeachBody's rigorous and highly popular P90X program, I found myself on the brink absolutely busting out into tears at the end of the fast-paced, full exersion "Vertical Punches" move of the KenpoX workout. It happened every single time. I'd follow trainer Tony Horton and crew in punching upward and across with alternating fists---starting slowly and methodically at first---culiminating in a frenetic punchfest that left me gulping for air...not because it was beyond my aerobic capacity but because I was moved to TEARS!
In other circumstances, I've noticed that the tears sprung from more emotional responses to exercise. This usually happens to me during yoga. In fact, it happened today (which is what moved me to share). I've finished my 1st round of P90X and am exploring my other BeachBody programs that came with my coaching kit until I start P90X round 2. Yoga Booty Ballet was my program of choice today and it is so me! I loved it! Men and woman alike can glean tons of positivity and an awsome workout from it but it sure made me feel all woman. The music, settings and colors were beautiful and exotic and the harmonizing blend of fun dancy moves, strengthening ballet moves and yoga challenged me aerobically, worked my muscles and stretched and relaxed me. I felt so at peace and balanced by the completion of the YBB dvd. Then it happened again: the feeling welled up from down deep, made my throat clench briefly until I recognized what was happening and just welcomed the tears and gave in to them. It was beautiful. For me, yoga is a special time of getting quiet with myself and with God and the whole hour and 10 minutes I had just spent in my workout felt like a treat at a faraway and beautiful spiritual and physical health spa~
Exercise won't always result in bringing you to tears. Some people never experience that. Experiencing the increased strength, flexibility and endurance I have through regular exercise and the calming peace that results from offering up the effort and then collecting the benefits has shown me, without a doubt, that it is absolutely crucial to a happy and fulfilling life. It has made me an even better person. It has made me more at peace with who I am and, in turn, better prepares me to positively impact the lives of those around me and enjoy all that this beautiful world has to offer.
It's hard to know where to start; you just have to jump in and do it. I'm not a doctor, therapist or nutritionist but I'm an Independent BeachBody Coach and can get you started on a path including an exercise and nutrition program that will change your life in an infinite number of positive ways be it with Yoga Booty Ballet, P90X or any of a number of other programs we've got. When you're ready, leave me a comment, drop me an email, find me on facebook or head directly over to my BeachBody site at www.beachbodycoach.com/LisaErin (be sure it says "Coach Lisa" once you log into the site). Time to get your groove on, folks! Tears, smiles, laughter and high fives...it's all good~~